
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

catalyst 4506 replacement guide

Brief Description: Replacement of 5513 due to numerous problems which led to network degradation.  A new 4500 will take its place.
Action / description Who What is deliverable? Status
1 Prep                
1.1 Assign IP address Local-IT Fri 7 Sep 2007 ( for testing and change it back to when we completed configuration ) DONE
1.2 Drawing Regional
1.3 Pre-configure and connect to network Local-IT Monday, September 10, 2007  inform to Regional DONE
1.4 Configuration Regional Tuesday, September 11, 2007
1.5 Prepare CEMS Change Regional Tuesday, September 11, 2007 DONE
1.6 Outage announcement Local-IT Tuesday, September 11, 2007 DONE
1.7 Testing the switch before cutover Regional Friday, September 14, 2007 DONE
2 Actual Cutover Saturday, September 15, 2007
08:30 a.m. to 05:00 pm
2.1 Cabling Local-IT 8:30 am – 01:00 pm.
2.2 Physical Replace the switch Local-IT 01:00  pm – 03:00 pm.
2.3 Testing
2.3.1 Soft Test
2.3.2 Physical Test (end user point signal check)        
03:00 pm – 05:00 pm.
3 Post Install      
3.1 Documentation Regional
3.2 Config revisions Regional
3.3 CEMS enrollment Regional
Note: All times shown here is Bangkok Time.

Detail Description: Before the Cutover:
- Pre-configure the 4500 switch.  Ports should be on vlan 15(  Must follow NST guides.
- Assign as MNGT IP.
- Test DHCP of PC when connected to the port
- Burn in test.

- Shutdown 5513.
- Clear out un-necessary cables on the cabinet.
- Mount the 4500
- Check connectivity with the core switch.
- Try getting IP address from DHCP server

Impact: - No Network Connectivity to Floor 15. Users are asked to move to other floors during the activity.

Resources Impacted:  THBKKSL4-5513

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